Monday, June 8, 2009
Im Sorry
Okay, I know I haven't been on in a while. It's because I have been very busy lately. Personal business, so you guys don't have to know. Thank you.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Game Topic #4

The game topic for this week is Super Mario Sunshine. I know it is an old game, but it is a very good game. As usual the questions and my answers. Do you like the game? How would you rate it from 1-10?game. Is it too confusing to you? Does it get you mad? Do you like the gameplay? Is it easier in one player or two? Do you like how the story line goes? Is the game too hard or too easy?
This game was actually really good. Even today I still play it. I would give the game an 8 out of 10. The gameplay is awsome. I like how Mario has a partner, Flood, and can do so much with it. I think they should have let us play with Luigi though because he is better than Mario...well, I think so. There isn't two players in the game so it is easier in one player. I like the way the story line goes. I like how mostly instead of Bowser being the bad guy, as usual, Koopa Kid is and he was dressed up as Mario. The thing that got me mad was that how did the Delfino's not know the difference between the blue Mario(Koopa Kid) and the real Mario lol. The game was kind of hard actually, for me. Not too hard, but hard lol.
This game was actually really good. Even today I still play it. I would give the game an 8 out of 10. The gameplay is awsome. I like how Mario has a partner, Flood, and can do so much with it. I think they should have let us play with Luigi though because he is better than Mario...well, I think so. There isn't two players in the game so it is easier in one player. I like the way the story line goes. I like how mostly instead of Bowser being the bad guy, as usual, Koopa Kid is and he was dressed up as Mario. The thing that got me mad was that how did the Delfino's not know the difference between the blue Mario(Koopa Kid) and the real Mario lol. The game was kind of hard actually, for me. Not too hard, but hard lol.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ok I got these new accounts......I just wanted to name them all for you.
- Twitter: iNadia1128
- Facebook: nadia.1128
- Youtube: iNadia1128
- Linkedin: Nadia.1128
- Squidoo: iNadia1128
ok those are all the new accounts I have.
Game Topic #3

This weeks game topic is Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Again, this is one of the games that never gets old to me. It is just too fun. You know, the way you fight in the game and all that. Anyways, the usual questions. Do you like the game? How would you rate it from 1-10?game. Is it too confusing to you? Does it get you mad? Do you like the gameplay? Is it easier in one player or two? Do you like how the story line goes? Is the game too hard or too easy?
Ok here's what I think of the game. I love the game. I would give it a 9.5 out of 10 because of the tripping. The game is not confusing. It does get me mad like when you go through the floor or something like that. The gameplay is awsome. I think it's easier in one player because then the second player doesn't die and you lose comrades faster and because you can play with all the characters you want. The story line is awsome. I like how the characters aren't really dolls or trophies. The game is in the middle because it actually depends on what mode you put it on. I put it on intense on SSE and it was actually really hard, I'm not going to lie. At least I finished it on that mode.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
barely any followers.......i need more.....whoever sees this blog and likes it....please share it with your frends
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What is your favorite game?
I just want to know what your favorite game is. Is it an old game? Is it a recent game? Why do you like it so much? What system or systems is it on? Add a lot of things about your game such as rating, gameplay, etc. Thank you. Now blog!
Game Topic #2
This weeks game topic is Resident Evil 5. That game is so fun and I think it is really good. I want to know how you think of the game. Do you like the game. Is it too confusing to you? Do you like the gameplay? Is it easier in one player or two? Do you like how the story line goes? How would you rate the game from 1-10? Is the game too hard or too easy?
Well I, for one, think it is a really awsome game. I do not think it is confusing at all. I love the gameplay. It is just a really fun game and it has lots of fighting and action. I also love the bosses of each chapter because it gets freaky and fun at the same time and you think you are actually in it. You will start talking to yourself about what you should do. I think two players is easier because if you play one player, Sheva doesn't do what you want her to do. She will start shooting recklessly and waste a lot of ammo. If you play two players, the person that plays as Sheva will start coming up with strategies with you and does everything that he/she is supposed to do. The story line is amazing at how Chris gets a new partner and the Uroboros parts and all that. i would give that game a 9.5 out of 10 because I want to be able to run around with the knife. I think the game is in the middle, not too hard and not too easy, because it will get hard at times and it won't. Like when you run out of ammo and yuo have to start knifing the bad guys who have unlimited ammo.
Now you blog about the game :).
Well I, for one, think it is a really awsome game. I do not think it is confusing at all. I love the gameplay. It is just a really fun game and it has lots of fighting and action. I also love the bosses of each chapter because it gets freaky and fun at the same time and you think you are actually in it. You will start talking to yourself about what you should do. I think two players is easier because if you play one player, Sheva doesn't do what you want her to do. She will start shooting recklessly and waste a lot of ammo. If you play two players, the person that plays as Sheva will start coming up with strategies with you and does everything that he/she is supposed to do. The story line is amazing at how Chris gets a new partner and the Uroboros parts and all that. i would give that game a 9.5 out of 10 because I want to be able to run around with the knife. I think the game is in the middle, not too hard and not too easy, because it will get hard at times and it won't. Like when you run out of ammo and yuo have to start knifing the bad guys who have unlimited ammo.
Now you blog about the game :).
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